This is just my little bit of the web, with bits and pieces of things that might be of some passing interest to someone.
Current weather in Sydney
(more accurately, my garage)
- Bachelor of Engineering (University of Queensland)
- Master of Engineering (University of Technology, Sydney)
Previous/current work
- Service Terminal Extensions for Nokia DX200 & IPA2800 platforms (MSC, HLR, MGW, RNC, BSC, SGSN, MME)
- Subscriber data extracts & reporting for Nokia DX HLRs (Mac & Windows)
- Internal Nokia troubleshooting tools as required (Mac & Windows)
- HIT macros for troubleshooting (allowing easy capturing of required data by the customer)
- C (service terminal extensions on Nokia equipment)
- TNSDL & PL/M (troubleshooting Nokia software)
- REALBasic/Xojo (cross-platform troubleshooting tools - develop on my Mac, deploy on Windows)
- FORTH (dabbling)